I'm not the kind of person that posts pictures of food, but I guarantee you that this was an experience that involved all my senses. I'm talking about my dining experience at Kadoura, a seafood restaurant located on 66 Gamaet El Dewal El Arabeya St. (Arab League Boulevard) in Mohandessin, a district of the Giza Governorate. Mohandessin means literally "The Engineers" in arabic, as this area was offered to at cheaper prices to engineers in Egypt.There are similar areas for journalists, teachers and doctors in the Mohandessin district, considered to be one of the most prestigious and expensive areas in Cairo.
Kadoura offers fresh seafood chosen by you at the entrance of the restaurant; it is later brought to your table with several salads and side dishes.
The two-story restaurant is quite popular and has another twin one in Alexandria, on the Mediterranean coast.
Fish and seafood at the entrace of the Kadoura restaurant |
The first thing we ate was a delicious soup with almost every seafood you can imagine. I must admit I'm not a seafood expert, because shockingly I never eat it (Yes, and I live in a country with both Pacific and Caribbean coasts).
A very delicious appetizer |
After the soup, plates with salads and side dishes started appearing on the table as if it was a trick of magic! The waiters just kept coming with more and more plates of exquisite side dishes like the typical aish (egyptian flat bread, always on the table), tahina, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, babaghanoush (a puré like paste made with eggplants) and much more.
All the side dishes were brought one after the other one in a non-stop fashion! I was so impressed! |
I don't remember the name of this raw fish dish, but it tasted interesting! It was a strong taste and scent, like nothing I've ever eaten before. |
I was so impressed by the amount of food on the table and it was just the beginning. Immediately after we saw our table full with salads and sides, plates with fish and seafood were brought by the waiters. I kept repeting how delicious everything looked! And indeed, it was so tasty!
Shrimps, fish (both small and large), shells, mussels, squid, it was a feast for all senses! |
After we finished eating, the waiters washed our hands with soap right there at the table and prepared another table for us to drink tea, which was really the best way to end such a banquet.
But without a doubt, the best part of the meal was the company of both my uncle Ulises, his wife Lauren and his coworkers, Mr. Ahmed El Guendi and Ms. Mariam Mahmoud. They were so nice to me from the very moment I met them.
My first memories of Egypt will always be linked to the kindness of the people that I met.
Lauren, Mariam and I and Mr. Ahmed |
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