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#4: On a camel's back gazing at the Pyramids

By 6:05 p.m.

When I first saw the Pyramids from the desert, I literally skipped a heartbeat. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. It is by far one of the most fantastic sights I've been lucky to see in my life. You really go through so much internally when you look at them from a distance and when you finally stand in front of them you just can't believe how huge they are.

In fact, I went through several states of mind during that day: from amazement to wonder, as you ask yourself how on Earth was it possible to built such monuments.

 Then, you feel like an explorer. As if you were the first person to touch those huge stones and to walk the narrow corridors of the Great Pyramid.


As we had already done some exploring inside the Great Pyramid, we sat on camels and headed towards the Sphinx. The sun seemed to bring light to every corner of that empty space, crowned with three huge Pyramids that have withstood sandstorms, the passing of time and the changes that Humanity has gone through since they were built.

While I was so concentrated on the animal and the temples that were on each side of the path, I quickly realised that if I didn't raise my eyes in that very moment, I would miss the best part of it.

So I looked to my right and there they were. Three  of them, everything in silence, no one around. It was as if the whole world had stopped. I imagined how the construction must have been, how hard the work was, but surprisingly I couldn't find any matching sounds to those images.

That's was funny about the Pyramids. I can't think of a place that's more magical and that still represents the subject of so many discussions and debates and has such different meanings in the hearts and minds of people all over the world.

Nevertheless, I can ensure you that there's not a place in this world where silence is so precious as here. The light and tranquility are startling. Your chest will burst.  And you'll always want to go back to that moment when you were on a camel's back gazing at the Pyramids...

The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

The Sphinx and the desert.

Keep reading as tomorrow I'll share with you the #3 best travel moment of this year.

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