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Memoirs of Panama City

By 6:40 p.m.

Black and white pictures usually evoke a feeling of nostalgia and a fascination for what's about to be lost forever or is already lost or damaged.

The following pictures were all taken during a walk around my hometown, Panama City. I like to explore the city on foot with my camera, because it gives me the chance to see details I otherwise wouldn't have noticed or scenes I would have never witnessed. It's all important when we try to collect the little pieces that make up the essence of a place and help put together a part of the memoirs of a society during a specific time or moment.

So, here it goes.

San Felipe. 


Santa Ana. 

San Felipe. 

San Felipe. 

Plaza Santa Ana. 

Plaza Santa Ana.

Pelea de barrio. La Central. 

Just sitting, waiting. Salsipuedes. 

Stray dogs, Salsipuedes. 

Ghost, Salsipuedes. 

After school entertainment on La Central. 

Party shopping, La Central. 

La Central. 

Avenida B. 

Casco Antiguo. 

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