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Cute encounter in al-Azhar Park

By 1:02 p.m.

 Wandering through al-Azhar Park I found a nice spot to photograph the minaret of a nearby mosque. I sat down to get the best pictures and to enjoy the perfect reddish colors of the Cairene sunset.

Out of the blue, one little girl holding her baby sister approached me. The girls sat right next to me and I started singing a lullaby in spanish:

"Que lindas manitas que tengo yo, que lindas y chiquitas que Dios me dio..."

The girls' families were having a picnic, as many other families did. The sound of kids running and playing around was almost indiscernible, because of the music of a show that was taking place at that moment in the park. The Mohammed Ali Pascha Mosque was lit with many shades of purple colors, which created a beautiful contrast with the afternoon light. It was almost dark, but the city was coming to life once again. And there we were, sitting on the grass, being part of everyday life. That's what's incredible about Egyptians. They make you feel like you're part of their lives, not as intruders.

There's nothing more memorable than an unexpected encounter...

Funniest picture. Ever. 

Enjoying the last sun rays in Al- Azhar Park with our new friends. 

Next on SpiegelEye, I'll be writing about my last adventure in Cairo! This time I'll feature the City of the Dead, an intricate world with many wonders to unravel.
Keep reading!

Have a nice weekend,

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